Well that depends on, which writing style; a writer follows and what is his or her writing speed? Yes, different types of pen; suits to, different writing styles and to, different writing speeds. Based on that here comes, guidance on-
Which writer should use Ink pen?
Those writers, who-
- have slow writing speed and
- who loves to writes, in artistic style or cursive writing style; they should use, ink pen.
- Because, if you have ink pen, you have to write with, slow speed; to avoid its nib, getting break. And writers, who loves to write; with slow writing speed, have no objection to it. They use this, slow writing speed ink pen. with their will; so that their artistic style or cursive writing style, words can be beautifully, written on paper.
- Yes, it is one of the main outstanding feature, of ink pen that its nib is designed in such a way that when you write cursive writing with it; that gets beautifully written. on paper with it.
Which writers should use Gel Pen?
Gel pen is a pen, which you can say, is advanced type of ink pen; in which you do not have to fill, ink again and again and there is no fear of, leakage of ink, from back side.
- But like, you have to take care of nib not getting broke, with ink pen; same, yes, you have to take care, with gel pen. The only difference is that its nib is made ball pen style; so your writing speed, becomes little bit increased, with gel pen and also there, is no hassle of filling, ink again and again.
- But, there is no comprise with, fine style writing; with gel pen. It means that you can also write, good with gel pen; but if you want best result, in cursive writing; then quality of cursive writing, from ink pen is best.
Which writers should use Ball pen?
Ball pen is for, those writers-
- who have, less time to complete their writing assignment and have to write, with fast writing speed. And with, ball pen, you can easily write with fast speed; as their is no tension of, nib of pen, getting broken with fast speed.
- The second best, greatest feature of ball pen is that it is cost effective than above 2 types of pen; for a writer.
- And, third ultimate feature of ball pen, which none of the above 2 pen has is that words, which you write with it, on paper; does not get washed with water, which happens, in case of ink, of gel pen and ink pen.
Conclusion remark-
is the gel pen is good, for cursive writing and ink pen is best, for cursive writing; but ball pen gives, best results in giving, best fast writing speed.
Do you know- Which Writing Technique, I have Followed; during ExpertsColumn, Writing Contests?